Rainette develops products designed to make cycling easier!

Since 2016, Rainette has been offering lifestyle equipment and accessories for cyclists with a focus on comfort, style and safety.

As a conscious brand, Rainette is committed to promoting soft mobility and producing responsibly to limit its environmental impact as much as possible.  

Our commitments

Promoting soft urban mobility

We're delighted to see more and more cyclists in our cities!
But to ride well in town, it's best to be well equipped.
Rain, visibility, cold - these are just some of the issues we're fully committed to.
To make life easier for cyclists, we develop useful, solid and stylish accessories. 

Responsible production

At Rainette, we are fully aware of the ecological issues involved in the production of our collections. That's why we leave nothing to chance when it comes to our products. We carefully source our materials and select them for their strength. We choose to work with specialist companies with expert know-how. It's a moot point, but we'd rather choose an expert company further afield than a local company producing poor quality. And when French companies are the best, of course we use them!

Technicality, safety and visibility

At Rainette, we focus on technical materials. Our innovative models are tailor-made to meet our exacting specifications. We have a great sense of humor, but never joke about the safety of our cycling friends!
With our products, we want them to be able to ride dry, warm and in full view!

Rainette's story begins...
on a rainy day!

In spring 2016, it rained 42 days: a record since 1960. 
Bahar takes his daughter, Rose, to nursery by bike every morning, come rain or shine. Good for the planet, not so good for Rose, who hates her rain cape.

Unpleasant to put on, unpleasant to wear, rainy mornings often turn into drama.
And no product on the market ticks all the boxes.

The idea of designing the perfect children's cape came to Bahar.
Bicycle equipment? Nothing to do with his career in the audiovisual industry!

For the past 15 years, she's been plying her trade on TV sets and castings, but the desire to start a new, useful and creative project is calling her.

15 months of research, dozens of sleepless nights and 25 prototypes later: the first Rainette product is born!

This is, of course, the "child seat raincoat": 

  • Lightweight and practical
    Easy to install
  • - Designed to appeal to the little ones: it has sleeves, so kids don't have their hands locked up like in a cape.
  • - Packed with clever details: carrying pouch, large helmet hood, reflective strips...

Since that first creation, the Rainette collection has gone from strength to strength, offering dozens of products for cyclists of all ages.

Useful, clever and stylish products to make your cycling trips easier and more fun! 


Further information

When it comes to responsible production, made in China is a thorny issue. 
Human error, ecological impact of transport, lack of quality: the Chinese industry is under fire.

Yet China knows how to produce with know-how and technical skill. At Rainette, we've searched and we haven't found such quality anywhere else.

Our technical products such as reflectors and raincoats come from Asia. But not at any human or environmental cost.

We have selected our suppliers with the utmost care, and our factories are BSCI* (Corporate Social Compliance Initiative) certified.

  • Regulation of working hours (maximum 40 hours/week).
  • extra pay for overtime.
  • a fair wage.
  • paid annual leave.
  • - freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
  • non-discrimination
  • ban on child labor
  • - implementation of health and safety measures for employees
  • responsible waste management

Yet China knows how to produce with know-how and technical skill. At Rainette, we've searched and we haven't found such quality anywhere else.

Our technical products such as reflectors and raincoats come from Asia. But not at any human or environmental cost.

Our reflective devices

  • strong and durable
  • - do not require a power source to operate
  • - don't produce unnecessary light pollution and are therefore less disruptive to wildlife than a light that's on all the time.
  • - they are easy to destroy at the end of their life cycle, and can potentially be recycled and reused.


  • The ink used for our stickers complies with CE-REACH regulations. Our stickers are illustrated, printed and packaged in France.


  • The factories that manufacture our reflectors are located exclusively in China, and we have been very careful in our selection. We tested several products before selecting ours for its qualities: performance, durability.


  • The laces are made and packaged in Poland, and the fabric and reflective tape are both Oeko-tex 100 certified and recyclable.

Veloche and banana

  • The PVC and Velcro® used to create the veloche are sourced in Spain, while the manufacturing process is entirely French.


  • All our textile equipment is manufactured by the same BSCI*-certified producer, located near Shanghai. The fabrics are Oeko-tex 100 certified and recyclable.


  • With the exception of laces, all our products are packaged in France, in an ESAT (établissement d'aide par le travail), a workshop for the integration and reintegration of disabled people.
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